Review by Tracy-Jane Newton
An Alternative Sassy Brit,
“An engagingly personal read!
Make It Happen! a book which really gets under the skin and encourages participation. It’s also a pleasant mixture of the author’s own experiences, and other like-minded contributors, which offer insightful messages within.”
About Make It Happen!
Make It Happen! will help you to develop your intuition and create positive spirals in all of the areas of your life. Discover your passion and find the way to your dreams. Raise your vibration through enthusiasm and attract positive things. This leads to more excitement, which raises your vibration higher and creates a positive spiral. You will become a magnet for opportunities. Develop your intuition to reveal your life’s purpose and live a life filled with meaning. It will change your life!
Review by Tracy-Jane Newton
An Alternative Sassy Brit,
“Truly a memorable, inspiring read, offering a refreshing, nuanced approach to a compelling field, which appears to be growing in popularity.
Linda Pynaker writes with enthusiastic sincerity and reveals, with intriguing insight, everything you need to know about spirits from how they behave to how to communicate with them.”
Messages of Hope and Healing shares real life experiences and stories about how loved ones in spirit reveal that they remain present in our lives. It also shows us how to recognize signs and receive messages from loved ones and spirit guides. You will feel more supported as you read the touching accounts of ways in which our deceased loved ones help and encourage us.
About Messages of Hope and Healing
Reader Comments
“EXCELLENT! Linda has done a remarkable job of bringing healing touch energy to the forefront of society. I kept reading and reading and reading as her words and story line captivated me; I wanted to learn and become inspired more. I am eagerly awaiting her next book.”— Mel
“You are a wonderful writer and the words flow and read so easily.” — Beverly Bell
“Deborah was a strong woman who transformed herself and is an inspiration to us all!” — Jan Perry
About Time to Heal
Debra embraces her spirituality through appreciating nature and sharing healing energy. Time To Heal is an uplifting story about a woman who rebuilds her life after divorce. Her relationship with an insightful counselor enables her to appreciate a more fulfilling lifestyle, one in which she becomes whole and reborn. She develops enchanting and memorable relationships, meanwhile discovering kayaking, ballroom dancing, and herself. Debra embraces her spirituality through appreciating nature and sharing healing energy. Join Debra in her personal and spiritual awakening. You will feel encouraged by her journey.